Sherlock Holmes

At that time one man became famous for solving the most inexplicable riddles using his rational-analytic way of thinking and innovative investigation techniques, what made the Scotland Yard detectives look like fools. The private detective Sherlock Holmes and his assistant Dr. Watson had solved every unsolvable crime so far and brought the criminals behind bars. But now the tables have turned and Sherlock Holmes becomes a suspect himself. Mr. Riley Thurgood, a former customer of the private detective, who showed his antipathy in public after a fight with Holmes, was found dead in Holmes house at Baker Street 221b. To the delight of Scotland Yard‘s main inspector, who was often embarrassed by Sherlock solving the most difficult cases, speak mostly all the evidences against Sherlock. The Inspector took advantage of the situation and detained the private detective right away. Holmes‘ assistant Dr. Watson and his housekeeper Mrs. Hudson, who are the only ones to defend him, seem to be missing - this makes things for Sherlock even worse. There is only one hour left until the court proceedings against Sherlock Holmes start and a team of loyal detectives will now have to rescue the imprisoned Sherlock and solve the mysterious murder of Mr. Thurgood. Sherlock Holmes still has some friends at Scotland Yard. They can provide access to Holmes‘ house, the crime scene, for one hour, to shed some light on the matter. So get down to business and don‘t waste a minute, because not only the time is playing against you but also a possible murderer...
Type of Game
Mission & Escape Game
Delivery & Construction Time
35 Days
Game Concept
2.500 € *
* plus VAT
Game Concept &
Game Elements
20.100 € *
* plus VAT
Turnkey Game
43.770 € * **
* plus VAT
** inkl. Trocken- und Holzbau der innenliegenden Spielwände, Bühnenbildgestaltung, Patinierung, Lichtgestaltung
Already built in
Reutlingen | Kiel | Wuppertal | Nürnberg | Duisburg | Potsdam | München | Dülmen | Wien (AUT) | Innsbruck