Pharao's Curse

Let the journey begin... Let us take you away with our brand new adventure game! Choose from two game modes: Challenge each other in battle mode or fight the clock in teammode! An ancient vase was a souvenir from this years trip to Egypt. The merchant warned you that the owner of the vase had been cursed by the Sphinx, but that didn‘t stop you from buying the mysterious vase. Naturally you don‘t believe in old curses and the souvenir is soon forgotten – until the day horrible things take hold in your everyday life. You get suspicious about everyone, you hear strange and unknown voices in your head and every night you are tortured by horrible nightmares. To break the jinx you bring the cursed vase back to the old pharaohs land, but the souvenir shop is gone. In its place there is an archaeological dig uncovering the ruins of the ancient Sphinx temple. It is said that it holds the mystical philosophers stone. Legend says it is the only power able to break the horrible curse and save your lives. By bribing the guards you manage to buy one hour inside the ruin to find the stone. Time is short but once you enter the temple, you realise the place is horribly familiar to the visions in your nightmares. Like sand in a hourglass you are running out of time, so don‘t let your panic take over!
Type of Game
Mission Game
Delivery & Construction Time
63 Days
Game Concept
2.500 € *
* plus VAT
Game Concept &
Game Elements
21.800 € *
* plus VAT
Turnkey Game
53.320 € * **
* plus VAT
** inkl. Trocken- und Holzbau der innenliegenden Spielwände, Bühnenbildgestaltung, Patinierung, Lichtgestaltung
Already built in
Berlin | Essen | Kiel | Oldenburg