The Conspiracy

The most powerful man in the world is the president of the United States of America. The Secret Service daily struggles to ensure the utmost security for the president. But what if not everyone in his service is as reliable as he says he is. What if the president falls victim to a conspiracy in his own ranks? His life is in your hands! As agents of the secret service you have very little time left to uncover the possible conspiracy and save the presidents life!
Type of Game
Mission & Escape Game
Delivery & Construction Time
21 Days
Game Concept
2.500 € *
* plus VAT
Game Concept &
Game Elements
16.500 € *
* plus VAT
Turnkey Game
37.770 € * **
* plus VAT
** inkl. Trocken- und Holzbau der innenliegenden Spielwände, Bühnenbildgestaltung, Patinierung, Lichtgestaltung
Already built in
Kiel | Mainz